Multi-Media Artist who specializes in
conceptual paintings based on moments of time.

Acrylic paint, acrylic skins, repurposed address book page, business card, and battery operated speaker with bird chirping sounds on cotton duck canvas.
36 inches by 48 inches
Text/Call me at 818-692-1576
for purchase information.

Acrylic paint, acrylic skins, and vinyl lettering on primed cotton duck canvas.
20 inches by 20 inches
Text/Call me at 818-692-1576
for purchase information.

Acrylic paint and skins with golden halo and gems on panel.
14 inches x 12 inches
Text/Call me at 818-692-1576
for purchase information.
Majestic Ghost Uterus portrays a ghostly uterus with a golden halo, symbolizing the enduring significance of female reproductive organs amid medical bias. It challenges societal norms marginalizing women's health concerns and evokes empathy for those affected by surgeries. The haunting imagery invites reflection on gendered healthcare and feminine identity complexities.

Feel the love in paradise lost.
Acrylic paint, jewels, glitter, found object, and battery operated trivia game on cotton duck canvas.
48 inches by 36 inches
Limited edition signed 11 by 17 inch posters available for $25.00
Text/Call me at 818-692-1576
for purchase information.

De Zusters
Van Het Bloed :
Blood Sisters
Acrylic paint and ink on raw cotton duck canvas.
36 inches by 24 inches
“De Zusters Van Het Bloed: Blood Sisters” draws inspiration from traditional springtime motifs, particularly the tulips that reflect Jongeling's Dutch heritage. In this surreal composition, tulips are elevated to symbolic representations of unity, female empowerment and the vitality of life. United in their ethereal form, the tulip sisters embody the essence of sisterhood and feminine strength as they float gracefully towards the celestial realm.

Feel the wind blowing against your hair, clothes and body.
Acrylic paint, music and speaker on cotton duck canvas. George Harrison's song "Blow Away" and Henry Mancini's "Pink Panther" theme music may be heard when the button is pressed on the speaker.
Blow away, blow away, blow away ...
36 inches by 60 inches

Collage, Branches, Acrylic Paint, Photographs, Geometric Wall Fabric, Silver Frame, Mourning Cloak, Dirt, Rain Bird Sprinkler, Newspaper, Pic N Stick Diamond Beads
24 inches by 24 inches
Best of Show
Glendale Art Association

Collage, Inkjet Fabric Photograph, Creative Paper Clay, Acrylic Paint, Sakura Gelly Roll Pens, Oak Acorns, Digital MP3 Player, Engraved Acrylic Placard, Cyanotype Fabric Sheet, Vintage Goebel Ceramic Squirrel
24 inches by 24 inches

Collage, Levi's, Gone in 90 Seconds Timer, Burnt Toast, Acrylic Paint, Photographs, Light Box, Transparency Film, Original Gourmet Lollypops, Hand Drawn Embroidery, Recordable Sound Box, Wood Letters, Oil Pastels, Sharpie Markers, Rubber Happy Faces, Post It Note, Flannel Shirt, Collector's Plate, Shower Strainer, Handmade Waffle Sculpture, TripTik, Pastels, House Keys and Metal Snail
48 inches by 36 inches

Otter Pops, Photographs, Acrylic Paint, Collage, Newspaper, Neon Wrist Band, Broken Mirror, Sand, Gauze Impregnated with Plaster, Dirt, Thumping Disco CD, Levi's, Capri Cigarettes, Product Labels
48 inches by 36 inches

Acrylic Paint, Resin, Rocks, Dirt, Prismacolor, Pastels, Collage, Photographs, Sprinkler Head, Galvanized Pipe, Screws and Metal Fasteners, Video Clip of "Good-Bye Sunflowers"
36 inches by 60 inches

Acrylic Paint, Collage, Handmade Glazed Ceramic Heart, Photographs, Seaweed, Broken Glass, Dirt, Metal Clock Hands, Jenga Game, Dirt, Milk Chocolate Initial, Resin, Charcoal Briquettes, Pacific Ocean Water, Handmade Clear Acrylic Box, Screws, CD Coby Player, Saturday Night Fever CD, Rock, Birth Control Pills
48 inches by 36 inches

253 DAYS
Acrylic Paint, Photographs, Rabbit Fur, Collage, Butterfly Wing, Philips CD Player, The Fired Up Dance Mix CD, Seed Beads, Driver's License, Acrylic Sheet, Screws, Sand, Resin, Handmade Ceramic Pollywogs, Bra Strap, 3-D Agenda Cover, Glitter, Newspaper, Fringe
48 inches by 36 inches
Circle Award Winner
Palos Verdes Art Center